Comments on: How to Freeze Blueberries Fresh Family Meals - Made for Everyday Life Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:43:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Danielle @Wholefully Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:43:58 +0000 In reply to Tracy.

Hi Tracy! When we keep our blueberries fresh in the fridge, we wash them just before using. But since we mostly use our frozen blueberries straight from the freezer in recipes, the best time to wash them is before freezing. But we do mention in the post that when we pick the blueberries ourselves (either from a farm or our own blueberry patches) we typically don’t wash them. We like to give blueberries from the store or farm market a quick rinse. If you do decide to wash your berries, be sure to dry them well! Any water left on them will create ice crystals which will definitely degrade the texture of the berries. Hopefully this helps!

By: Tracy Wed, 19 Jul 2023 02:21:30 +0000 Hi Cassie,
I’ve been packing blueberries in my freezer for 30 some years out of my garden. I have never washed them until I’m ready to use them. I saw your suggestion to wash them in cool water first prior to packing. I was always told to pick through them carefully and never wash them as their natural coat helps to protect them and makes them stay fresh longer. Was I miss guided by old teachings?

By: Danielle @Wholefully Mon, 10 Jul 2023 15:27:33 +0000 In reply to Adrien.

Hi Adrien! Check out the section in the post above titled, “How do you store blueberries in the freezer?” We give our top four storage methods and some pros and cons for each. That should have all the info you need!

By: Adrien Thu, 06 Jul 2023 15:54:12 +0000 Hi there! What do you use to store your blueberries exactly? I am scared to freeze glass because it always explodes, but glass I believe, is the best option!
